This project was started out of frustration that when you want to be fast on this game you, either:
1) You need to be very good at car setups or
2) You need to buy setups to even get to the top of your class.
So I created this website where console racers can share and get free setups for their cars as basis.
Read more: Sim Racing Vault websiteI started this beginning 2023 and it is still showing growing numbers of visitors and users each month. In the meanwhile we have some fast racers sharing their setups , so it is becoming more an more a sharing center.
I created this site using PHP 8.x, MySQL and using Bootstrap as a front-end Framework. It is hosted a my personal homeserver running Nginx as webserver.
Some of the features are:
* User can find a setup via a car or circuit selection.
* User can compare setups from the same circuit with same or other cars.
* User can submit their own setup via a webform for sharing.
* User can convert PC setups to easy to use Console setups.
The most complex part was building the setup converter since the upload of the users is a JSON files with a complex structure. The values need to be dynamically converted to make them useable for the Console to work. For this conversion is a large base-file JSON needed with all the various car specific parameters. It took me a few weeks to compile this file and when new cars come to the console it is a lot of work to add them.
My tooling to build and create this website (I use a Macbook as main machine)
* Nova from Panic for Coding — A awesome IDE tool for Mac.
* Bootstrap Studio — A tool to help me create Bootstrap code in a very simple but effective way.
* PHPmyadmin to do all the SQL work.
* Gitlab CE– to keep it all in sync and use version control. (running on my local NAS)
* Mamp Pro — to be able to develop PHP and MySQL code locally on a Macbook
This is an ongoing project which I will keep developing and supporting.It helps me keeping my developer mind sharp and up-to-date.